I enjoy writing. If I could figure out a way to support a family by being a full time writer I probably would, especially if it meant being a full time blogger. I love doing this.
I also very much enjoy writing stories about all sorts of stuff. It may come as a surprise to some of you, but some of the things that appear here are fiction. Now that I have switched over to the Beta version I am labeling them as Fragments of Fiction.
If you are interested in reading any of it here is a link to a story that I have been working on for quite some time as well as a couple of pieces that I enjoy.
He Put a Gun To My Head
Stumbling Through Life
Me & The UItimate Fighter- Road Rage
Sometimes the hardest part of life is just living
Two Kinds of Pain
The Story of Two Souls
Fragments of Fiction- Version 178
Angst is good for writers, or so I have always been told.
Thanks, I really appreciate your comments. I should do more to see if I can’t make something happen. I don’t have to make a ton of money writing, but something is better than nothing.
I’ve read some of your fiction, Jack. The story(ies) involving Georgie in particular are quite compelling. I wanted to read more.
You are a very good writer, which I’m sure is partly why I enjoy your blog so much. You’ve got wit, a unique perspective, a good sense of timing and what I like to call creative paragraph structure. Your writing has depth, which I can’t say of all writers. There’s an undercurrent of emotion we all share.
Making a living writing is tough, and doesn’t always reward those who write best. Sometimes it’s all about connections. I write for a living, yet I don’t “make a living” with it. It’s a supplement, but I can’t support a family – or even just myself – with it. (Yet?)
That said, if I can help in any way… resources, contacts (not that I have tons), suggestions for attracting agents, publishers, short fiction publishing opportunities, etc., let me know. I’d be happy to help.
Paula: I didn’t know you wrote romance fiction. Do you write for publication?
I love writing also. I’m going through some angst right now over what type of writing, if any, I should focus on. Feeling kind of burnt out and tired of the romance genre.
Yes, but your non-fiction stories, like the our trips around Israel are much more entertaining.