I have a couple ideas for posts percolating around my skull. They are only partially formed so I am not going to give them the chance to see the light of day just yet. But I’ll provide sort of a short preview.
Amishav’s post here provides some of the impetus for one of them. It ties into a post I wrote a couple of years ago called Orthodox Versus Jewry- Or My Blood is More Jewish.
What I want to do is spend a little more time thinking about this and then I’ll put together a new post about it. The purpose of taking more time is twofold.
1) I want to think about this a little bit more and see if I can provide more clarity for myself. I want to decide if I still feel the same way or if my views have changed.
2) I don’t have enough time to do a proper job of writing this post.
More later.
I am with you.
I read Amishav’s post too, and I am concerned about how he conflates belief and practice. I don’t think that it is hypocritical to believe one thing, but for whatever reason not be able to practice it. Or if it is hypocrisy, I’m not ready to throw stones at anyone else for it, when I am far from perfect.
Pretend they are gummi worms.
Probably not. 🙂
Me too.
G-d how I love Jews!
Well, I know for sure that you are more Jewish than *me* – but somehow I don’t think that will help in your quest for answers…
I would read Amishav’s post, but the can of live bait is too yucky.