Festival of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part 2

I am Jack and I’m pleased to welcome you to the second edition of theFestival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience. It is a collection of posts from throughout the daddy blogosphere. It is a diverse group of men of varying backgrounds and experiences.

Though we may have our differences we share the joy and challenges of being fathers. Take a moment to walk through and learn a little bit more about some very fine men and how we handle fatherhood.

Clark Kent’s Lunchbox:SAHD Men Are Not Sad Men: A Rebuttal to Working Mother Magazine
Tessa’s Dad: #FatherhoodFriday – I’m one proud Daddy
The Daddy Files: Bar Babies 
Sex and the Single Dad: 24 hours of fun
Dadwagon: Your kid won’t make you fit
Evan…. hearing is believing: He’s just a normal kid…
DCUrban Dad: I am for sale
Back To Work Dad: Sleep, the ultimate parenting oxymoron
Juggling Eric:Run, Eric, Run
Luke, I am Your Father: File under ‘Dating Advice’
Real Men Drive Minivans: Separation Anxiety
Life of a New Dad: Patience Is a Virtue
And Triplets Make Six: I’m Not Not Superstitious
Telling Dad: Did the Pioneers Have Airbags?
Random Thoughts: The Daddy Blogger Community
Chris Brogan: Changing Lives
Ty’s Daddy: Spitting Prejudice

Mocha Dad: The Secret to Raising Smart Kids
Us and Them:  Toyota and My Knees
Child’s PlayX2: Everything I know, I learned while registering for kindergarten
Daddy Geek Boy:Looking For a Random Stranger…
Hot Dads:How Clean Should a Kids Room Be?
Dad’s House: Single Parent Downsizing Home Life
Daddy Clay: Unbadged in Austin
DaddyClaxton: My 13 yo daughter told me to go Eff myself last night 
Almighty Dad: I’m Addicted to Wii Sports Resort
Howefitz:Fatherhood Friday: Kat’s On Her Way!

If you like what you see here then please consider becoming a fan of the blog. Have additional questions/comments? Send me an email at talktojacknow-at-gmail-dot-com.

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