The Evolution Of Change

Yosemite Wilderness & Koip Crest

California will always be home.

I don’t know if someone has already written about the evolution of change. Can’t say if I came up with it on my own or if I saw it somewhere and I am not interested in “googling” it which is exactly why I just did what I said I wasn’t interested in doing.

I “Googled” the damn thing because I don’t want to inadvertently plagiarize someone else, don’t want to pretend I came up with it because sometimes we aren’t as creative, original or clever as we would like to be.

When you are an obnoxious old blogger like me you look around the damn blogopshere and see people writing about stuff like they just discovered it. After a while you realize there is a good chance you didn’t and then you have to decide whether it matters or not.

Reminds me of a time many years ago when I started posting about blogapathy, blogrisma and blog envy. Got a few laughs and some nice comments and then came some emails from people who tried to lay claim to being the inventor or originator of certain things.

And that my friends is why I talk about being the “Original Dad Blogger” because I have been doing this longer than most and it doesn’t matter if I haven’t headlined BlogHer, Blogworld or any of other social media conferences.

Take your “superior marketing skills” and smoke them because I started before most and will keep going long after the shine wears off because I love writing, but that is not what this post is about.

Terence Mann: Ray. Ray. Listen to me, Ray. Listen to me. There is something out there, Ray, and if I have the courage to go through with this, what a story it’ll make: “Shoeless Joe Jackson Comes to Iowa”.
Field of Dreams

That quote won’t make a lot of sense to those of you who haven’t seen the movie, but it resonates with me because I am standing in front of my own cornfield. I am staring at endless of rows of corn stalks wondering what I will find if I take the first step and wander in between them.

Except my corn field is an interstate highway that is going to take me far from home on the next part of this adventure we call life and I am pretty damn excited about it. I haven’t decided how much to share here yet or what stories I want to tell but I can assure you it can be described as a “mighty tale.”

Sharing and Story Telling

I lost my train of thought for a moment because Mess Around started playing on iTunes and I had to sing along with hit. Had to pretend that my keyboard was a piano and that I was Ray Charles.

That would have been quite the feat and a “mighty tale” in its own right. Imagine for a moment that a forty something white Jewish man who can’t sing or play and instrument began channeling the spirit of a highly talented, much older and much deader Black man.

Of course it didn’t happen so we can set that aside and listen to me prattle on about the boundaries in blogging because they do exist.

Blogging is about story telling and sharing with others–it is the secret sauce that helps the colonel sell his wares. But it is also about knowing what not to share and when.

Kind of funny to me because I am not prude and often unfiltered, but there are things I won’t let you know about because they aren’t mine or because I don’t want others to take the hit that may come from my saying precisely what I think.

What The Evolution of Change Is About

I suppose it is just a long winded way of my sharing that some big scary but really freaking exciting changes are about to take place in my life. I expect them to be meaningful, wonderful and powerful.

Yeah, there is much “ful” going on there.

If you are interested in learning more keep walking down the road with me and maybe I’ll toss a couple more nuggets your way. Or maybe not.

The only thing I can promise is that there will be more posts for you to read.

Got to run the Traveling Jack show has a lot of work to do before we hit the road.

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  1. January 24, 2013 at 9:43 am

    Stop being evasive! Just say it already, you are making me crazy, lol! God I hate putting lol but I don’t want to be offensive. Still, inquiring minds want to know!

    • Jack January 24, 2013 at 11:05 pm

      Hi Bridget,

      So let me tell you what this is about, all you need to do is use your decoder ring to decipher W^#^T%%$%!TB GHGG DGFG.

      I like making people crazy. 😉

  2. Carter January 24, 2013 at 6:05 am

    Dang it, Jack. I’ve had Field of Dreams on the brain lately (first game of catch with my son, etc.), and here you go implanting a James Earl Jones cornfield earworm. And then … the big tease. Now I have to read on. I have to know.

  3. Betsy Cross January 24, 2013 at 5:06 am

    Sounds exciting! New always is. I have always loved “Field of Dreams”…so glad you have one!

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