Welcome back to TheJackB, home of Jack The Insouciant Dad Blogger who dreams of defenestrating those who irritate him and longs for the day when he can dump 5 tons of bananas on their driveway.
Alternatively I would settle with hiring a marching band to play When the Saints Go Marching In at 4:15 A.M., of course it would be even better if the band could play on the driveway too, alongside the bananas.
The Evolution of a Blogger
Flip through the pages here and you can find tons of posts about blogging and how to write. Look at some of the posts below and you will find some solid material there.
- Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger
- Blogging Tips- Build Your Community Around You
- How To Build and Design A Blog- What I Learned
- The Easiest Way To Get Comments On Your Blog
- Commenting Systems and Blog Design
What you will also find is evidence of the evolution of a blogger. Hell, the entire blog really is proof of that. Sometimes I cringe when I read older posts and wonder WTF Â I was doing/thinking.
But more than that I look at what I have done here and I see a chronicle of what interests me now and what used to interest me. One constant throughout this journey is my desire to write and write with passion and personality.
Repetition And the Echo Chamber
You can blame attribute this post to two things:
- My personal journey/goal to become a better writer/storyteller.
- A post I read where someone gave bad advice about blogging.
There is no single formula for success in social media and anyone who says differently is selling snake oil. Readers come and go which is part of why you can run content multiple times.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to update it in some way because you should but you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel. Social media lends itself to experimentation and invention.
It is part of why I play with my newsletter a bit. Some of you prefer to read the business content, you look for tips and advice and others want to know stories.
Speaking of stories you never know what is going to be interesting to some and boring to others. There are readers here who write me occasionally to ask for more stories about my life in a fraternity because to them it is exotic while for others it would be boring, run-of-the-mill stuff.
And that is why I always advise people to write with passion and personality.
Personality Drives The Blog
Personality drives the blog because I infuse these words with me. Long time readers know a lot about me, I would never say it is a complete picture, but quite a bit.
You know that I am often unfiltered and unafraid to share my opinion. You might have read the story about how when I was 19 I was almost “recircumcised” when a bear interrupted my girlfriend and I.
Some of you will laugh at that and some will cringe and say TMI. But if you have been around a while you might have noticed I don’t tell as many of those stories as I used to nor do I share as many tales about my kids.
Evolution, it is all about the evolution.
Some of it is because I have other blogs I write that allow me to focus on some of these areas and some of it is because of other changes. My children are older so I pay more attention to the boundaries of blogging.
They are in elementary and middle school and I don’t want them to be teased any more than what naturally comes with school. Things I think are cute and silly might not come off the say way to kids whose hormones are starting to run amok.
Evolution Equals Growth
Evolution equals growth and if you are not growing than you are stagnating and while that may be ok for you, it doesn’t work for me.
Not to mention my experience shows that unless readers really love you they eventually get bored and move on so I figure some of this is evolution/growth stuff might help keep a few of them hanging around a bit longer and that is usually a good thing.
Unless you are the weird, creepy stalker types who I block and yes there have been a few. It is not bravado to say I am not afraid of anyone but I do have a healthy respect for  some of your crazy mofos and your willingness to take your dark selves to places I’d rather not accompany you to, but I digress.
Anyhoo, thank you again to those who are long time readers and welcome to the new ones too. Would love to see you in the comments and or on some of other social media platforms.
Cue announcer’s voice: Jack Steiner has left the building because he is really hungry and is taking a late lunch. 😉
Yes, voice – I read blogs on every topic, as long as they have a voice. Your blog definitely does, which is why I keep coming back…
Natalie the Singingfool And I am glad that you do.