- Run around cyberspace and insult everyone you come in contact with on their blogs.
- Come back to your blog and insult them some more in the hope that they will come and visit.
- Post banner ads promoting your site as a resource for free sex, viagra and penis enlargement.
- Hire an African Elephant to march through Manhattan with a sign promoting your blog.
- Tell people that if they sign a petition on your Blog Bush will be recalled.
- Tell people that if they sign a petition on your Blog gay marriage will be abolished.
- Send press releases to major media groups announcing your new reality TV show about a person and their blog.
- Create a virus that forces computers to make your blog their homepage. Not legal, but it could be very effective.
- Get Dad 2.0 to make subscribing to your blog as part of the cost of admission.
- Ignore dumb and idiotic lists like this one.
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