Fear can be a wonderful tool and a terrible master. If you channel and use the energy that comes from it you have a resource that can push you to reach a little bit higher and go a little bit farther.
But Fear the motivator can also be the Fear the jailor and it can be keep you shackled in fetters that prevent you from living the life you might otherwise live.
What would you do if didn’t fear the consequences of going for whatever it is you really want?
Do You Know The Answer?
Do you know the answer to the question and if you do, are you able to share it?
Honesty plays a big role in answering this question because I think some of us have dreams we keep in our hearts and do not  share because we fear what might happen if we said what we think.
My confession.
I know what I would do but I am not sure I am ready to take the words that are written upon my heart and share them…here.
Some it can be written down. Some it can be shared.
But there is a piece that for now remains behind closed doors because I can’t open Pandora’s Box unless I am willing to go the distance.
Or at least that is how I see it for now and until something changes that is how it will remain.
What about you? Do you know the answer to the question and if so are you willing to share it?
What would you do if you weren’t afraid of the consequences of naming your dream? Would you go for it?
I would sleep in the dark….
As i ‘mature’ some of those fears don’t seem so scary and find myself ‘just doing it’ at times. Do you think that comes into play.
PS – too many ‘I would’s’ after Confessions.
If it were not for my fear, I would try bungee jumping.
I am afraid of great heights, but I would rather try para-jumping from space, before I’d try bungee jumping.
Something about jumping off the side of a bridge (before getting whiplash as you snap back, just off the bottom), makes me feel very grim.
I am wondering what is you would do. You teased us, your readers.