The Crazy Old Man Of Dad Blogging

They said they didn’t understand how he could call himself  The Godfather Of Dad Blogging or how he could pretend to be the Jedi Master of Dad Blogging either.

“He is a kook, a nut and a wild man. Stay away from him, we don’t know if he is contagious.”

He heard their comments and saw the sneers on their faces but he didn’t care. He wasn’t blogging for awards or glory, he was just writing because it is what he was born to do.

And then the legend in his own mind recorded his words for posterity.



Friends, never take yourself too seriously and never pass up an opportunity to laugh. Stay tuned, I am in the groove now and will probably update several more times today.

If you need something sooner try one of these:

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  1. Larry July 29, 2014 at 7:48 pm

    I like the vlog. Nice change of pace.

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