That trickster time has fooled me again.
I forget that he plays the eternal clock like a giant accordion. He pulls each side away from each other and tricks us into believing we are living through an eternal moment.
The instant passes time and as the sides rush together towards a meeting in the center we remember that our idea about how long a moment lasts is flawed.
I try to not to jog alongside the sun or run with the moon because it is hard to be present in this moment when I rush towards the next.
I joined the 100-word challenge again. It is hosted by Tara at theThin Spiral Notebook again. The word was Ideas, technically I was late but that is what happens when you run with the sun.
The challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. It is a good tool for helping to improve you writing. I highly recommend it.
You’ve given time a sentience, here. It stops, it starts, it rushes, it crawls – all on its own terms. Fascinating hundred words!
Hi Joe,
Thank you. I am one of many people I think who have tried to find a way to create to describe it in a way that people can understand.
that jogging toward the next moment – the next thing . . . yep, I’ve done that. Now that I’m getting older I am trying to reach back for those passed by moments. Sigh. Nicely done!
If only we could go back, if just for a moment.
I really like what you did here, the way you created word pictures for us to grog.
Thank you sir.
It’s so true! Too fast. It just goes too fast!
Way too fast.
The “idea” that time feels like an accord is truth. I particularly like the imagery in the third stanza (or paragraph). It waits for no one.
Thank you. It really does not wait for anyone, painful as it might be.
Your imagery here is wonderful. I like the “idea” of time being an accordion. That would explain a lot.
(You weren’t late… plenty of time left.)
I’m glad I wasn’t late. 🙂
I’m trying to remember if I came up with the accordion image or not, but I like it enough to hope I did.
Anyhoo, I am glad you liked it in some ways it’s more important that people like it more than the writer.