The master painter has a plan for his painting but we don’t get to see how it is painted until more of the canvas is filled in or so the wise ones say.
So it was the author of Daniel and Anne looked back at the original works they had created and the puzzle pieces that had been added, modified and adjusted since and wondered what he was seeing.
He thought he knew enough to make some guesses but wasn’t certain because heart and head fought each other.
Sometimes he thought about inviting her to join him on a trip to the state capitol where they could have time to themselves, unencumbered by the complexities of the daily lives…or should he say mostly.
And sometimes he thought he would keep that idea to himself or ask for dinner/lunch and let it be.
Sometimes he thought let go and every time he did something happened so he figured he would watch, wait and see.
Ain’t life a hoot.
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