“As if you were on fire from within.
The moon lives in the lining of your skin.”
― Pablo Neruda
There was a time when I tried to kiss the queen and she pulled away.
She told me no and I respected her wishes but I was tempted to ask her to look in my eyes and tell me she didn’t like the electric shock our connected lips created.
Instead I stayed silent and waited to see if he would volunteer it on her own but she didn’t.
Time passed and when we connected again she kissed me though she would never admit to having made the first move.
After we had spent some time with locked lips I asked her if I was crazy and she said yes, but not about the feeling.
“I like kissing you.”
I smiled and told her we ought to make a coven tree about it.
She told me to shut up and kiss her some more.
“No more of those jokes or you get no more of this.”
I smiled again and felt her legs wrap around mine and of that moment no more is to be shared…here.
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