George Will-The Democrat failure

Will makes some excellent points.

“Never in this marathon did Kerry himself do anything to change the campaign’s dynamics. He counted on events in Iraq, and on the power of his party’s unconcealed belief that Bush is an imbecile. But Democrats cannot disguise from the country their bewilderment about how to appeal to a country that is so backward, they think, that it finds Bush appealing.

Democrats, notoriously cold toward losing candidates they have improvidently nominated, resemble Dallas fans as described by quarterback Roger Staubach: “Cowboy fans love you, win or tie.” They should rethink their compressed nominating calendar — Kerry was effectively selected by the 135,000 who voted for him in Iowa and New Hampshire — and the fetish of allowing those two states, rather than, say, Michigan, to dominate the process.

As part of its penance for nominating a senator — it is 44 years since one was elected president — and one more liberal (according to the liberal Americans for Democratic Action) than Walter Mondale, the Democratic Party should purge its Michael Moore faction. Moore, the vulgarian who made the movie “Fahrenheit 9/11,” is unhinged by his loathing of Bush — and of the country that has now re-elected him. Moore and the hordes of his enthusiasts are a stain on the party — as are those Democratic senators and representatives who last June made a merry festival of the movie’s Washington premiere. Moore illustrates the fact that the Republican Party benefits — it is energized by resentment — when the entertainment industry and major journalistic institutions (e.g., The New York Times, CBS News) enlist as appendages of the Democratic Party’s advocacy apparatus.

Never have Americans felt less affinity with Europe, but never have their politics been more European, meaning organized around ideologically homogenous parties. Just 25 years ago there were many liberals and conservatives in both parties. On Tuesday, four moderate-to-conservative Texas Democratic congressmen were defeated, the result of a second redistricting since the 2000 census. A conservative Georgia Republican won a Senate seat vacated by a conservative Democrat and a conservative Louisiana Republican won a seat vacated by a moderate Democrat. This continues — and very nearly completes — the process of producing a perfect overlap of America’s ideological and party parameters. ”

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  1. Jack's Shack November 6, 2004 at 5:23 pm

    Moore is a liar and has been caught stretching the truth in every one of his movies.

  2. vince millay November 6, 2004 at 2:18 pm

    I agree with him on Kerry. Yep.

    It’s funny, I was thinking about the whole Michael Moore thing yesterday after reading some rant on someone’s blog about him. Yes, he’s a big, loud, obnoxious, self-satisfied, sanctimonious windbag. But, um, that’s one for us. Sort of. Because he actually supported Nader in 2000.

    But across the aisle, I’d like to remind Republicans who tsk tsk tsk about Moore’s one film, of their pot stirrers who are on t.v. almost every day…Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’ Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Ann Coulter, all of whom are loud, obnoxious, self-satisfied and sanctimonious, and one of whom is big,

    I’m just saying…

  3. vince millay November 6, 2004 at 2:10 pm

    I agree with him on Kerry. Yep.

    It’s funny, I was thinking about the whole Michael Moore thing yesterday after reading some rant on someone’s blog about him. Yes, he’s a big, loud, obnoxious, self-satisfied, sanctimonious windbag. But, um, that’s one for us. Sort of. Because he actually supported Nader in 2000.

    But across the aisle, I’d like to remind Republicans who tsk tsk tsk about Moore’s one film, of their pot stirrers who are on t.v. almost every day…Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’ Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Ann Coulter, all of whom are loud, obnoxious, self-satisfied and sanctimonious, and one of whom is big,

    I’m just saying…

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