I may be a bit moody, but most of the time I am pretty good at shaking off the bad moods. I give them a little time to visit and then send them on their way, but today it just isn’t happening. Today I still see stormclouds, I am snorting fire and spitting blood.
My office is located on the top floor of a six floor building. Levels two and three are occupied by some television production companies whose employees are too lazy to walk up a flight of stairs. Instead they use the elevator to go up or down one flight.
Today I was heading down when I ran into a few of them. This one guy in particular is notorious for refusing to walk but today I wasn’t having any of it. He must have felt my attitude because he looked at me and muttered something. I rose to the occasion and suggested that if the elevator were a person he would be arrested for abuse and offered a gentle reminder that if he actually walked a flight of stairs he would demonstrate courtesy for himself and others.
It is the first time I have actually said anything, but what the hey. I have been engaging in elevator warfare for quite some time now. So when he suggested I try something that is currently anatomically impossible I warned him to watch out for Ahab as I had heard he was in the building. The reference went way over his head as did my other snotty response to “what are you waiting for?” when I said Godot.
I have to admit to some minor embarrassment at having responded to Moby’s comments, but we all have bad days. I expect that I am going to languish in this place for a little longer because I am not ready to give up this stupid idiocy yet. Maybe this afternoon, we shall see.
Everyone needs some time to rant here and there.
I agree with Barbara BUT like you occasionally someone gets it in my path where ever that may be….esp if they open their self to it. (smiling)
Not sure what has been wrong w/me lately, been ranting more than usual….perhaps I can find an excuse…let me think why??? duh…tons of junk in my head recently…that will do for now I guess.
I find talking on a cell phone annoying when in the Elevator, only second when at a restaurant.
You mentioned the wonderbra in you previous post and though I don’t need one, I was wearing a blouse one day that show a bit of cleavage. I was in the elevator when a sorta nerdy guy walked in and he looked over at me, obviously noticed my cleavage and quickly started to look up to the ceiling, the floor, any place other than at me. That was funny enough, but then he must of felt like he needed to make conversation, because he then started to talk about the weather. When he got off (no puns intended) I just lost it and totally cracked up.
Good advice from all parties. Mirty, cute is not usually used to refer to me, in any situation.
Just ask the Shmata Queen.
Having just commmented on Dorothy’s blog, I will put the same words here. Keeping my mouth closed, when I want to speak, which is often, has been a great gift, and something that has taken time to develop. Most of us have a natural tendency to want to say what we feel, but the true test of valor is in silence, in my humble opinion.
Tomrrow is another day. This too shall pass.
Elevator Warfare must take on a more serious tone, my new found friend…get in the elevator, not ethe floor you are on…face the back wall, wait for the amount of “dings” to let you know tyhis is your floor, and then walk out backwards. I’ve done it…the effects are numbing to those left inside.
Other tactics to employ would be to wear a gas mask to send a subtle message to the women on your floor who don’t understand the word “moderation” when it comes to perfume.
Last, but not least, every time someone gets on the elevator, greet them personally like the over eager Wal-Mart greeters. They will fly – FLY I TELL YOU – to the stairwells!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re cute when you’re mad 😉
Everyone has to let it out everyonce and a while.. dont let it get you down.. next time run at him with a harpoon!