I saw this on Post Secret and was touched by it. There is something so sad about it. I really wonder about so many of the cards there.
Are they real stories or have they been fabricated.
(Visited 53 times, 1 visits today)
"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'." Groucho Marx
Also stopped looking at that site. Too addictive and voyeuristic…
It is like a train wreck that you are obligated to watch.
I’ve stopped going… otherwise I sit there going through each one. They’re too fascinating – and freaky.
It is really kind of interesting to me.
I’ve found this site a few times. Sometimes the secrets make me smile, others make me worry about the authors.
I love Post Secret. I’m sure some have been exaggerrated but I like to think they are mostly real.
I’ve always assumed they’re mostly real… figure millions of people have seen PS (Blogger was [is?] hyping it), and only a few go up a week. Odds are pretty good.