Haveil Havalim- The Almost Purim Edition

(Special Thanks to Not quite perfect for the Graphic.)

Welcome to the Almost Purim edition of Haveil Havalim. Forgive me, but I couldn’t help but produce another audio introduction.

If you want more insight as to the source of my pending madness you need merely read a conversation with my son called For A Good Time Call… That one was right up there alongside Great Moments In Parenting- Parts of our Body That Grow. And people ask why I am losing my hair.

Let’s take a
look back at last year’s Purim mishigoss the JBlogosphere’s Muqata Purim Podcast. Now that you are warmed up dive on in to the meat of our carnival.

(P.S. For those who are curious I’ll include links to the various songs I listened to while putting this together.)

(P.P.S. Don’t forget to check on this throughout the day as it will be updated.

Judaism (London Symphony Orchestra – Stairway to Heaven)

Batya presents Adar, When Everything’s Upside Down . Mother in Israel shared an Explosive Purim. Ima on (and off) The Bima shared13 Things I Love About Purim!

Perhaps Lipa should have consulted with The BPS (Bansmanship Policies and Standards) Commission.

This is not a Purim joke Looking For Jewish Wife Swappers. I am resisting the temptation to share a couple of jokes. The Velveteen Rabbi posted Purim: redemption and the true king.

AidelMaidel shared the Danger of Cap Guns.

Y-Love saw The American Jewish Women of the Veil?

Ask Chaim about My Review of Dovid Gabay’s Omar Dovid. Or maybe you’d prefer VeRuach Elokim Merachefet

Eliya presents It does not die.

Carl blogged about Honoring anti-Semites in Berlin. From Gail we learn It’s Up to the Jews to Save Judaism.

The Rebbetzin’s Husband proffered The Conservative Nature of Halachah. While A Simple Jew shared a Question & Answer With Dixie Yid – A Hardened Heart.

Lion of Zion answers the question: Why We Need the Haftarah: 15 Reasons and Zecher or Zeicher?

Frum Satire says that a Web Yeshiva offers free Purim shiurim this sunday.

A Soldier’s Mother: Remembering Our Enemies. Along those lines Shiloh Musings asks/says We’ll All Be Arrested.

Leora offers an explanation called Belz? Hasid? Litvak? Yekke? Sephardi?

In Forged in the Crucible of Life Mottel discusses divine providence.

At Jewschool KRG asks Who are we? Redux.

Israel (Battle of Evermore – Led Zeppelin)

Rabbi Daniel Gordis has an outstanding post called The Shame Of It All. Here to Be Us provides a response to that essay.

ShrinkWrapped asks Has Israel Lost the Will to Live? Sigmund, Carl and Alfred offered this response: Israel’s Malaise And Resurrection.

Breath of the Beast responded too.

Seraphic Secret presents Getting Stoned in Israel. From Israpundit we have “International law” does more harm than good.

There are a slew of posts about the terrible tragedy at Mercaz haRav. They start just below this:

Soccer Dad shared In memory. The Rebbetzin’s Husband says that Without an Endgame, Mercaz haRav will happen again.

At Shiloh Musings Getting “Up” on the Eve of Shabbat Zachor is short but not sweet. From Mystical Paths THE POLICE STOOD BY AND DID NOTHING !!!! and The 8 Kedoshim.

At Esser Agaroth Terrorist Attack At Merkaz HaRav and They Were High School Students!

Harry in Israel asks How do you explain… Dr. Sanity shared her thoughts here.

Baila shared A Little History. Emes Ve-Emunah provided Final Thoughts. And Jameel says that Despite the horrific attack…we still rejoice in Adar.

Meryl continues to show that the media is more than a little confused about what is happening in Israel. Read about it at Rocket barrage strikes Israel, media blames Israel.

It makes me chuckle when the losing side thinks that they can dictate how things will play out. Yourish shares that with Hamas dictates surrender terms. You can watch the video of those terms here.

Solomonia shared more good news about our dear friend:
Saudi Scholar Spouts Holocaust Denial and Calls for Genocide on Hamas TV.

It is Almost Supernatural shared Why Israel ≠ Apartheid from a South African Perspective.

Yid With Lid says Palestinians Long Tradition of Celebrating Massacres and that Olmert Is Israel’s Embarrassment.

Rafi broke the important news Israel nearly kills Shimon Peres. You probably could use An Idiot’s Guide to Israeli Weddings.

Visit Aussie Dave for the Inaccurate Reuters Caption of the Day. From the AntiRacist Blog: New anti-Semitism disguised by hatred of Israel.

EOZ Shared "Galilee Freedom Batallions" and the 1974 PLO "phased plan"

and Gazans fire mortars at their own "humanitarian aid" (Hasbara failure #2).

Yet another controversy has erupted over land. Read about this at Facebook moves West Bank settlers into 'Palestine'

Imagine the horror of being disabled and knowing that you have 15 seconds to reach cover. Want to know more? Then you must check out Israel Matzav's Life and death for Sderot's disabled.

I have very nice memories from my time at the Golan Heights Winery. Drink enough and you might enjoy the Mad Libs For Peace.

Or lets try and Reword a BBC Headline. At A Time of The Signs they have Just a bit of sophomoric humor.

When words of consolation fall on deaf ears is the title of a post at Treppenwitz . Gateway Pundit offered Hamas Admits to Using Women & Children As Human Shields.

Ask Dry Bones about The Zionist Idea.

On a different tack at Israeli VC on Sand Hill road you can look into Dollars and Israeli start-ups.

Don't forget to be a part of the Online Purim Solidarity Rally For Israel.

Politics (Imperial March and Mess Around-Ray Charles)

JA makes it clear who he is supporting with Hillary's Really Starting to Piss Me Off. Atlas Shrugs offered Financing Jeremiah Wright.

Bookworm blogged It’s not that he was a victim….and asks Is it just me?

From My Right Word Spitzer to See Rabbi? Wonkette to See Hate Crimes Investigator?

Maybe if Spitzer had listened to Bernie things would have worked out differently.

At my own blog I offered Dr. Laura Blames Spitzer's Wife. TherapyDoc has her own take: What Would Freud Say: Eliot Spitzer.

Likelihood of Success presented Mine, yours and hours.

LindaSoG presents In my heart, I knew it and Yadda Yadda.

From FresnoZionism we learn that The Iranian threat is not ‘future’ anymore.

According to Sammy the State Department Says Anti-Zionism is the New Anti-Semitism.My Right Word says a U.S. Report Biased.

Daled Amos asks: Ben Gamla: The Hillary Clinton of Charter Schools?

Schvach discussed The Deception of Christian Zionism and I Didn’t Know He’s Jewish, Either.

DovBear opined about Obama's Pastor. Omri shared Daily Kos: Sure Obama's Race-Baiting Christian Pastor Is Bad. But What About The Jews?

At Jammie Wearing Fool you can learn about Tony Blair's Aide's plan: Let's Chat With Hamas, Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Miscellaneous (Gad Elbaz - Halayla Ze HaZman)

It is almost Purim. Who is thirsty? Check out Kosher Beers Wednesday's Weird But True Cases - Vol III.

Shira asks Napkins Please. Must be all that Southern cooking. 😉

Lubab was Found Out By a Friend. SuperRaizy inquires about Using Children As Fundraisers.

Rivster shared The Learning Curve. Want to see a movie? Check out Jewno.

From Tamara Eden we have Blogging, The Internet, Meet-Ups…and An Article I’m In 🙂

Dr. Helen asks Are You a Generation Xer? From My Shrapnel Gila discusses what it means to be A Unit of One.

The Holy Hyrax finally opened up his own blog. Sometimes it is a dirty yellow, depressing sky.

Dennis Wolfberg discusses The Bris. Atilla is going to run A wedgie ad campaign.

I am pleased to say that I am still a kid. Here is how I know this. WestBankMama says that she is an adult now. Since she is a few years older than me I know that I must still be a kid. Of course when I turn 40, 50, 60, 130 etc. I'll still be a kid.

On the other hand Shira is searching for older bloggers, The far side—of fifty.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Haveil Havalim using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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