The 132nd Best Posts About Blogging


Yeah, it is not Monday anymore. It is Tuesday morning but that sort of sums up what kind of Monday it was in some regards. One of these days we’ll have to have a conversation about the value and importance of having someone you trust to talk to about anything.

In the interim we’ll use the goofy headline above to talk about blog tricks we long time bloggers use when we’re short on time. This post is a good example.

I don’t have enough time to write the way I want to but I need to put something new up. So what I am doing is grabbing a selection of posts about blogging and encouraging people to read them.

When you have built some trust with your readers this works pretty well and it also gives you a chance to breathe new life into posts that have been collecting dust in the archives.

Ready? Here We go:

Posts That Will Help You Become A Better Writer/Blogger

Back later my friends. Share your thoughts and comments. And yes, I still want to be James Bond.


(Visited 225 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Joe May 16, 2013 at 7:04 am

    If you really think they will help me become a better blogger I’ll read them.

  2. Elizabeth Lee May 14, 2013 at 9:39 am

    A. Which Bond theme song was the best?
    B. I don’t have a goal of blogging every day because I did that on my last blog and quickly burned out.
    C. Are you still waiting for the click?

  3. Carolyn May 14, 2013 at 7:00 am

    Hi Jack, What a great list of blogging articles. I’m thinking you don’t have time to write today because you’ve been so busy reading these great articles.

    Thanks for sharing these with us.

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