Life Is About Painting A Picture

Sunday night is here and I haven’t finished packing yet.

This is not the sort of behavior I model for the kids but they aren’t here right now I am not going to worry about trying to teach them the proper way of doing things.

I know what needs to be done and what should be done but the fact is I am mentally exhausted and just don’t feel like doing more right now.

Second fact is that I am only going away for a few nights so packing isn’t particularly hard. Already got 90 percent of it done, what I haven’t done is my final check to make sure that I have all I need.

Knowing me I’ll still do a check tonight and then once again in the morning. It will happen after the shave and shower when I haven’t any more need to use my toiletries.

I’ll get in the car and part way there I’ll wonder if I forgot something and want to pull over but I’ll resist the urge and keep going because I am not leaving civilization.

If I really need something else I can get it.

A Change of Scenery

Sometimes when You’re Standing In Your Own Sunshine you overthink things because you don’t want to make a mistake.

It is a foolish sort of bugaboo to give into, especially when you believe in certain things and teach them to your children.


Life is meant to be lived and you have to take risks.

Babe Ruth

I have a habit of swinging for the fences but over time I have learned it is ok to adjust and just go for a bunch of singles and doubles.

I tell the kids they can do that too. Life is also about small victories leading to big ones.

Life Is About Painting A Picture

Those of you who have been following along the last few weeks or maybe even year or so know it has been challenging and that I am uncertain about this next step.

But I am doing it because this is where I really am showing my kids what is important. This is where I teach them that sometimes we do what we don’t want to because it is necessary to get to the next rung on the ladder we are climbing.

When you are painting a picture of experiences in life it can’t only be sunshine and roses, the darkness must be included.

But darkness provides context and contrast you can use to appreciate what you have.

The Pipes Are Calling

I am listening to The Celtic Tenors sing Danny Boy and looking up at the ceiling trying to figure out when I got to be this nervous and yet so very confident about what I think is going to happen.

It is a strange dichotomy.

I have the ongoing war between heart and head here. One says to trust what you can taste, touch and feel and the other just laughs.

Laughs because there are things the head cannot know that only a heart can understand.

Somewhere in the midst of it all my head recalls something from my childhood, a vague memory that is tied into this topic.

I can’t seem to grasp it in its entirety, just a wisp of a spider web-like thread but I have this sense it is important so I’ll let it be and see if it surfaces later on.

Jack The Painter

I am not bringing the computer with me so I don’t know if I am going to update the blog or not.

Might use my phone, might not.

All depends on how much time I have and how interested I am in using the small screen to transcribe my experiences.

But you can trust that old Jack will be doing lots of painting and I’ll share some of it with you later on.

I’ll see you in the comments and do my best to update when I can.

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  1. alisa/icescreammama April 30, 2015 at 5:02 am

    Singles and doubles still get you round the bases, right? So take a ‘walk’ and enjoy your trip.

  2. Kristen April 29, 2015 at 5:25 am

    I’ve been meaning to do a digital detox of sorts for a while. You may have inspired me to do it this weekend. Love the Babe Ruth quote!

    • Jack April 29, 2015 at 6:05 pm

      Yeah that Babe Ruth quote is an old favorite of mine. I am an advocate for disconnecting from the digital world every so often too. It feels good to be free for a while.

  3. Tim Bonner April 28, 2015 at 1:51 am

    I know how you feel about switching off for a while. It’s good not to be around a computer and to forget the internet. I know it’s a training trip but it’s still a change of scenery. That can do you no end of good.

    Sent from Mailbird []

    • Jack April 28, 2015 at 6:39 am

      Hi Tim,

      It has been alright so far. Kind of nice not to be plugged in all day, every day.

      • Jason April 28, 2015 at 6:41 am

        But you sure are answering a lot of comments 🙂

      • Tim Bonner April 28, 2015 at 8:17 am

        Life was so much more leisurely before the internet came along!

        At least that’s how I remember it…

        • Jason April 28, 2015 at 8:23 am

          I would go back *in a second*. I get nostalgic for pre-internet days.
          It’s a big subject but what pops into my head frequently is the feeling of not knowing something. And mulling it over. Continuing to think about it. Longing to find time to go to the library to look into it… and then when finally doing so understanding and digesting the information with such thirst, depth, and permanence. I don’t have that these days and sadly my kids don’t either. I can remember being an adolescent and getting interested in something… then absolutely pouring myself into it. I don’t see it much anymore.

          • Tim Bonner April 28, 2015 at 10:27 am

            I remember doing that too Jason.

            It seems such a shame that we’ve lost that kind of experience.

          • Jens-Petter Berget April 28, 2015 at 10:57 am

            Yes, the pre-internet days. I talk to my kids about it, and they can’t believe there was such a thing. I tell them about the time when we had just one channel on the TV, and one on the radio. And that the only time we watched TV was at 6.30 pm.

        • Jens-Petter Berget April 28, 2015 at 10:58 am

          That’s how I remember it as well. We were out playing all day and all night, without any phones or connected to anything but our friends who were with us. I guess there’s two sides of this.. it’s great to be connected with the world as well 🙂

          • Jason April 28, 2015 at 11:04 am

            You just made a serious amount of sadness well up inside me. I’m not sure if that kind of connection with people doesn’t happen because of age, or because of technology and the inevitable busyness of being an adult. Either way. Tears in the coffee.

            • Jens-Petter Berget April 28, 2015 at 11:14 am

              No more tears Jason.

              I try to make it a priority of playing each day. It’s not like being a kid, but it’s fun. 1 hour of fun, every single day.

          • Tim Bonner April 28, 2015 at 12:21 pm

            I lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere when I was growing up. I had to get on my bike if I wanted to go anywhere. My overriding memory is of big skies and lots of fresh air!

            • Jens-Petter Berget April 28, 2015 at 10:32 pm

              I’ve always wanted to live on a farm. I didn’t, but I remember big skies and lots of fresh air as well, and that I was “always” outside with friends.

  4. Damien April 27, 2015 at 4:36 pm

    I felt a sense of good fleeing into a Willy Wonka suds maker. Go boy go. Pedal your guts out.

  5. Janine Huldie April 27, 2015 at 6:38 am

    Enjoy your trip and definitely deserve it. I am doing this in the summer and hoping to stay off line for a week or so myself just to have a bit of a change myself. But definitely wish you the best this week while you are off and about.

    • Jack April 27, 2015 at 5:12 pm

      Thank you. It’s not vacation, but I’m going to disconnect a bit anyhow.
      It’s good to get away from the online world every now and then.

  6. Soulati April 27, 2015 at 5:02 am

    OK, woah. Where you headed, and I’m on your side.


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  7. Kaarina April 27, 2015 at 4:30 am

    JJ, I’ve been quite absent online as I totally reconfigure my website to reflect the direction I’m taking with my writing, photography and musings. It’s a big step: one that seems to be like the one your taking, in your own way. I’m not sure what’s going on for you, where and what your new job is, but even in my absence I send you only the best of wishes…to find peace, contentment, happiness and “reward”. Stay offline for while: it does the soul good. Gain perspective. Do things you love…and do things you don’t love, with love 🙂 Sending you thoughts and vibes of inspiration and happiness.

    • Jens-Petter Berget April 27, 2015 at 4:57 am

      I absolutely agree. I was absent for a while as well, and being offline did a lot for me.
        From: KDillabough ( Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 02:41 PM To: Subject: KDillabough commented on Life Is About Painting A Picture The JackB KDillabough added a comment in reply to Life Is About Painting A Picture.

      KDillabough JJ, I’ve been quite absent online as I totally reconfigure my website to reflect the direction I’m taking with my writing, photography and musings. It’s a big step: one that seems to be like the one your taking, in your own way. I’m not sure what’s going on for you, where and what your new job is, but even in my absence I send you only the best of wishes…to find peace, contentment, happiness and “reward”. Stay offline for while: it does the soul good. Gain perspective. Do things you love…and do things you don’t love, with love 🙂 Sending you thoughts and vibes of inspiration and happiness.

      Reply to this email to reply to KDillabough. Please note: Your reply will be published publicly and immediately on Life Is About Painting A Picture. Recently in this conversation… Jens-Petter Berget April 26, 2015 at 9:42 pm Have a great trip.

      Is life about painting one picture, or many? I feel that life’s more like a roller coaster and that the picture changes from time to time. I’m the painter, but the story is not the same throughout life.

      Andrea B. April 27, 2015 at 3:41 am I hope you’re heading somewhere nice and possibly relaxing.

      I’m never a good packer. I wait until way too late and stuff stuff in only to unpack and take out the extraneous stuff.

      And good for you for leaving the computer at home. *thumbs up*

    • Jack April 27, 2015 at 5:14 pm

      Thank you. It’s a short respite from the wild and woolly blogosphere.
      Always good to take time to sort out our thoughts and figure out the best direction to head in.

    • Jack April 28, 2015 at 10:18 am

      Hi Kaarina, I thought I had responded but I don’t see it so I am back. It’s about the journey right, well I’m playing Frodo for a brief while. This is one more step to the next place.

  8. Andrea B. April 27, 2015 at 3:41 am

    I hope you’re heading somewhere nice and possibly relaxing.

    I’m never a good packer. I wait until way too late and stuff stuff in only to unpack and take out the extraneous stuff.

    And good for you for leaving the computer at home. *thumbs up*

  9. Jens-Petter Berget April 26, 2015 at 9:42 pm

    Have a great trip.

    Is life about painting one picture, or many? I feel that life’s more like a roller coaster and that the picture changes from time to time. I’m the painter, but the story is not the same throughout life.

  10. Jason April 26, 2015 at 8:54 pm

    Best of luck and cheers to you for doing what needs to be done. It’s a fantastic lesson to teach your kids that being a parent and adult isn’t about knowing what’s next, or having a clear path to success. It’s more important to just buck up, take initiative, and start doing something to move things forward. It all starts there.

    • Jack April 26, 2015 at 9:23 pm

      It’s funny to think about how children are certain we have it all figured out when most of us are just winging it.

      Sometimes the best experiences come from those moments.

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