As is my custom here are some thoughts about the coming pagan holiday. Soon the million man march on Hallmark shall take place and we shall end the cruelty. For more thoughts play and or read the posts below.
Valentines Day
A Valentine’s Day Card
Valentine’s Day- A Day That Should Live In Infamy
If for some reason you are unable to listen to the audiopost above let me give you a basic rundown on what it contains. It is a repeat of my call to arms for men to free ourselves from the bonds of servitude of forced romance. It is time to rise up and remove the shackles, to no longer be burdened with trying to serve a cruel master.
Valentine’s Day is a fake holiday whose sole design is to use pain and suffering to guilt people into spending money on foolish cards and foolish gifts.
I say enough is enough. It is long past time for us to push this sad day into the dustbin of history. Ban the day from our lexicon, rise up and be free. Romance should be spontaneous and not forced.
Frak this holiday. So say we all.
Valentine’s Day- Stop Oppressing Men!
It is time for the annual Valentine’s Day bash fest. Here are a few words about it.
And now here are links to some prior posts about this foul day. The comments on some of them are kind of fun.
Valentine’s Day Should Be Banned
Married for More Than 70 Years
Valentine’s hype can force tough decisions
Random Babbling About Valentine’s Day
The Couple That Pees Together
Past Valentine’s Day Posts
I know that it is a day early, but I figured that I’d share a short roundup of the crap I have posted about Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day Should Be Banned
Married for More Than 70 Years
Valentine’s hype can force tough decisions
Random Babbling About Valentine’s Day
The Couple That Pees Together
Stay tuned there may yet be another post.
And just for the hell of it here is a link to an old audio post. Ok, there seems to be some sort of problem with this post. I am working on solving the issue. Not really sure what is going on. If you want to go direct to the audio post you can try this link.
It is not that exciting, but if you are interested in listening to me babble about LA versus the midwest you might like it.